Hey guys!
Wats up people? shey waa okay?
Every day I was always have a
perfect almost perfect blog post made up in my head.
Me in my head: "This will be very funny and precise. Something my wonderful readers would love."
For some weird reasons unknown to me i either end up writing them but don't post it. (you really don't want to see my drafts right now!)
On Instagram, I created a page for the blog early this year @auntyshulaonline. You can choose to follow or not. But most importantly come read our posts on here. I announced this post up there initially. That was on sunday before yesterday.
Sincerely speaking, I changed my mind about writing this post because after a lot of thinking, I felt it might actually be a BIT of show off BUT, if someone had written a post like this and I read it before buying I literally would be licking that persons feet. *L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y! (laugh out loud).
So what changed auntyshula's mind? You guys remember that golden rule yeah?
So I thought even though someone else might see it as a "show off", it might be pretty helpful to another person you know?
So cutting this super long story short. *some we are nothing but pencils in the hand of the creator shit! (if you don't get the joke we are not mates lol.. just kidding*
Lets get down to the business of da
day sorry, night here.
MY SEPHORA AND MAC STORE MAKEUP HAUL. yaayy!! Am dabbing while typing *wide grin
See what i did on SC. Lol..Smh.
So here's a break down with pictures of course.
All photo credit goes to my phone by the way..
And before I forget, this post is not a sponsored post o! I got them myself. In no particular order.
Since I learnt a bit of makeup techniques from JideofSt.ola (check him out on instagram @jideofstola, Very makeup savvy. Bless him), I can't stop thinking about makeup seriously! It has become a passion now. I dream of makeup. Am always looking at peoples work on IG, while watching tv and even news. LOL. Its that bad. Even my mum isn't helping out..
MUM:"haha shula sho ri makeup yen" (Did you see that makeup?)
Me: "ha, o bahd gan-an" (Damn!.. its badddd- good bad)
Then, am like I can totally do that. Already sculpting the persons face and sharpening eyebrows in my mind.
YES! I Know. I Know. Thats so cliché. Every single girl now is into makeup. elo joko jo.. copy copy!
I still think its a good thing you know. The more the better! Gradually, we all change the perspective or will I call it evolution of makeup on Planet earth. No more one line crying to be cleaned again on eyebrows, LOOL. I can't deal seriously! Lol. At least, most people know how a good eyebrow should look now, either just filled in nicely or threaded neatly. hehehe.
What?! "Better than sex" ke? Iru rubbish name wo niyen. That was exactly my thought the first time I heard the name of the mascara. But hey, its just a name and very catchy one also. You already know.. when people hear the S- word...tingles and euphoria (not me sha *side eye).
There are so many reviews on this product from beauty bloggers and you tubers, so i said why not?! I've being looking for a bad ass mascara myself for my super-curly-sometimes-annoying-lashes. Since I've gotten it I've used it twice. And, its not bad at all. It gives my natural lashes this very full look and my eyes.. P-O-P-P-I-NG! I highly recommend it.
By the way, I got it from Dubai, UAE and the name "SEX" wasn't allowed (you know how dubai is now-if its not Halal food too nobody will buy *side eye) So, it was replaced with "LOVE" instead. For morals' sake I guess.
2. DUO Striplash Adhesive
Since I got those lashes from Isoken, (Did you miss that post? click
here) my body have being itching to try them on. SO, I did a little research on some lashes glue and DUO had me thinking so i got it.
Although I have not tried it yet, I've got a good feeling. My guts don't lie. *some olivia pope shit! Lol.
Brow tamers were made from ME! Those brows never gets laid..
Conversation between me and my brows;
ME: My brows will be on fleek today..imma be getting this face snatched! (happy dance)
BROWS: (giggles) The way we are going to scatter leg today ehn!
(15mins later)
ME: (confused) But my brow hairs were laid when i drew them?!
So basically, brow tamers like the name implies tame stray brow hairs. It kinda looks like a mascara since it also has a spoolie but i guess its more liquid-y and not as black as mascaras. Urban decay did a good one. It's pretty sleek.
The brow beater on the other hand, consists of a spoolie and brow pencil to draw the brow or fill in. It is very smooth to use. I love it mehn!
I actually wanted beauty blender sponge initially but, the bills were not smiling so I played the role of a smart shopper instead (don't use your 10 fingers to eat!)
These was way cheaper and I figured it would do the job perfectly! It hasn't being bad. It blends very well even. I highly recommend it!
And yes its PINK. So cute.
The way you use your makeup brushes says a lot about your personality. No. On a serious note! I've taken a lot of effort into cleaning my brushes, tools and especially blending sponge after each use. It prevents bacteria buildup and transfer of skin irritations. Seriously, save yourself that mess and clean up those brushes!! Its a little small though.
I just spray these on the brushes and clean with a tissue paper and you're good to go. No rinSing needed. Don't know why they used "C" though. But its very travel friendly because of its size.
M.A.C - That name gives me shivers down my spine. When someone says MAC, what I actually hear is 'EXPENSIVE'. Kilode? I can just imagine the situation in NIGERIA MAC stores at the moment because of the dollar-naira fluctuation.
Anyways, I managed to get two products from them (two only).
The number of times I saw these used by you tubers ehn! (melanin popping ladies ofcourse). Well, I like it and its actually good for when you're rushing out just to fill out nicely. Good packaging too. Its has these screwy thing so you can consciously control how much brow pencil comes out of the stick.
You already know when its serious tern up time, you need to fill those brows properly girl! Most preferably with a brow gel. Not bad at all. I like the product consistency!

(My photography game on point)
OOPS... I almost forgot I also got something from MAYBELLINE..YASS..
8. MAYBELLINE FIT ME! anti shine stick (COCONUT)
The famous coconut moka (355).
Oo Bahd Gan-an! Very Lovely. I Love it. Its so nice for these our hot climate and it remains matte.
No greasy or oily shine. And it blended well into my complexion. NO HASSLES. The packaging? Superb! No Mess! Just Rub! I Highly recommend it!
SO, that's my mini haul.
I hope someone enjoyed reading this and most importantly learned from this?
Let us know what you've tried below or recommend and if you have more reviews on the above products.