Hi Everyone!!
I've being Nominated by
the amiable Hadedeevah for the Versatile Blogger Awards! Thank you so much darling! You most definitely need to check her out here.
the amiable Hadedeevah for the Versatile Blogger Awards! Thank you so much darling! You most definitely need to check her out here.
Versatile Blogger Award Rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Nominate 15 bloggers for the awards.
3. Share 7 facts about yourself.
15 blogs I think you should check out in no particular order:
1. Nappy haired
2. Berry dakara
6. Sisi yemmie
8 . Hadeedevah
10. Yousoof
*wphew wipes sweat from forehead I made 10 will remember 5 later!
7 facts about me
1. My favourite color is green.
2. I'll love to go to the seychelles for a lovely vacation.
3. If I don't know you I prefer to keep to myself
4. I love music.
5. I'm myopic.. About -4.0 * yeah it's that bad
6. I love reading.
7. Working out gives me life.
Thanks again to the lovely Hadedeevah for the Nomination.
Love you like a sister *hugs and kisses*
Just seeing this. Thanks.