Thursday, July 09, 2015

Five Things Am Loving This Week!

Hi lovelies,
My week has being filled with a lot. Heard good news, bad and ugly. But still holding all. I have faith.
So to what am loving this week.

1. Simi Jamb Question video.
           "What's the name of the movie shey na comedy Abi na tragedy?" "Will he catch the bad guy?" "Do movies make you Cry?" "Does your father play football"? "Is your brother Paul?". LOL
 I love the lyrics of this song until I saw the video on YouTube last night. Made a lot of sense. So funny. I like the setting. Looked like  somewhere in Abeokuta with the old  buildings while their outfit was still slaying and least I forgot the icing on the cake was featuring falz in the video. Lol. It must have been a lot of work trying to make he's lips movement tally with the song lyrics.

Friday, July 03, 2015

Five things am Loving this week!!!!

Hi Everyone!
How was your week? Mine was fine much less hectic than usual. How did you spend yours?
And yes today is Friday!! 
Getting down to the main business of the day.
Here's what I'am loving this week
1. Snapchat 
              Am sure we've all heard about it. It's an app just like Instagram but everything posted lasts for just 24hours after which it disappears into thin air. I don't know where exactly- kinda like the flame of a

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Five Things I'm Loving This Week.


There's a new feature on the blog! Whoop whoop!!!! It's called 5 things am loving this week!

It basically entails what made my week either something old or new.

It has to make the number 5!

It could be anything.

This feature would make me spontaneous.

This feature would make you love me more. Yes! 'Cos u do already!

This feature would be posted on or before the end of the week.

Stay tuned.

Aunty Shula

The Versatile Blogger Awards!

The Versatile Blogger Awards!

Hi Everyone!!

 I've being Nominated by